Greetings from Shoppers, Inc.! Hope you enjoy the article below from Jon Gordon about 5 Ways to Be Happier at Work and good customer service as much as we did. pay advance no faxing As most of us head back to work this week I wanted
Read more →Greetings from Shoppers, Inc.! Hope you enjoy the article below from Jon Gordon about 5 Ways to Be Happier at Work and good customer service as much as we did. pay advance no faxing As most of us head back to work this week I wanted
Read more →Greetings from Shoppers, Inc.! Hope you enjoy the article below from HR Guy about Business Phone Etiquette and customer service as much as we did. If we were to put a group of random professionals in a room and asked them what their top three business pet
Read more →Networks Share Customer Complaints With the World Never before has timing been as critical to an organization’s success as it is today. While it certainly is critical to, for example, the introduction of a new product or the infusion of cash, it is equally critical when it
Read more →At Shoppers, Inc. we are very passionate about great customer service, measurement, and teamwork. The article below from Jon Gordon about How NFL coaches get their teams to Buy In…and how you can too! and teamwork relates to our goals and passions. Hope you enjoy it! Having
Read more →At Shoppers, Inc. we are very passionate about great customer service, measurement, and teamwork. The article below from Janine Popick is the CEO and founder of VerticalResponse about Why Your Customer Service Policy Stinks and customer service relates to our goals and passions. Hope you enjoy it! This article
Read more →Greetings from Shoppers, Inc.! Hope you enjoy the article below from Harvey Mackay about Watch Out for These Four-Letter Words and customer service training programs as much as we did. Watch Out for These Four-Letter Words There are certain four-letter words that have no business in business. Many, in
Read more →We just had to share the article below from Shep Hyken about Happy employee, happy customer and customer service. Enjoy! Happy employee, happy customer Ace Hardware, the chain of retail stores known for its helpful service, is a perfect model for how to create amazing customer service by first
Read more →At Shoppers, Inc. we are very passionate about great customer service, measurement, and teamwork. The article below from John Tschohl about Speed Matters! Customer Service is Social AND Mobile and customer service relates to our goals and passions. Hope you enjoy it! Speed Matters! Customer Service is
Read more →At Shoppers, Inc. we are very passionate about great customer service, measurement and teamwork. The article below from American Express Survey Reinforces Value of Mystery Shopping about the results of a survey by American Express released on May 3, quantify the business benefits of mystery shopping and
Read more →We just had to share the article below from Kathy Shook about Ozark Zombies and a poor customer service experience. Enjoy! Ozark Zombies?!! by Kathy Shook Recently, we visited a family entertainment park in the Branson, Missouri area. If you aren’t familiar with the Branson area, it’s very well known and
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